The change I encourage in my work Empowering Change is to repair and restore your sense of self and to bring those lessons and habits into an effort to repair and restore your world. Whatever attracted you to this blog and my work, you are very welcome. I hope it serves as an inspiration or impetus on your personal or professional journey. Its essence simply reflects the lessons I at times resisted – and share in the hope that your learning curve is shorter than mine!
That said, I now live a prosperous life, trust abundance and am, for the first time in nearly six decades at ease.
This blog is a relaunch of one that I started [...]
On Storytelling & Learning to Repair the World
A few years ago when a colleague's grandson was only [...]
Why Write? “…it is human nature to write”
So said Julia Cameron in her introduction to The Right [...]
Why Write? “…it is better to speak”
Audre Lorde's answer to "Why write?" is summed up beautifully [...]
Tasks, tools & invention, necessity not required…
It's a poor workman who blames his tools... This adage [...]
On Social Change in Ireland, “We’ll get there…”
In 2012, I closed a TEDxBelfastWomen talk with "We'll get [...]
Personal Change Management; the tools
A post entitled, Embracing Uncertainty, suggested an alternative description of the practices often [...]
On Echoing Irish Voices Congruent with Irish Values…
My hope/wish/prayer for 2018 is that Ireland will be a [...]
Why we tell these stories…
Because nothing changes until we cease to view our neighbours [...]
Nothing changes until we do!
In a recent LinkedIn article, Ready for a Change? - [...]
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem – Pivotal or Peripheral?
Peripheral to two capitals that benefit from significant foreign direct investment, [...]
Swords into Ploughshares…
Sharansky Steps, Ralph Bunche Park From Tudor City, NYC. [...]
Creating Community
Neo Ireland is all about growing a dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem regionally. [...]
Happy Celebration of Light!
The solstice has passed, we’ve had our shortest day, and [...]
The Irish Language
My relationship with the Irish language has evolved over the [...]