Association and Affiliation
I find the thing I miss the most about work in a traditional office is colleagues. The discipline of work is hard outside of “9 to 5” but manageable. It is the absence of the “water cooler” – that’s the loss. The conversations started randomly, the overheard snippets that trigger an idea, the laughter that evokes the smile that changes a mood.
Today I am grateful for gratitude. Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way – published a new book in 2009. Finding Water; The Art of Perseverance is a worthy companion for anyone’s journey – but before you dive into the contents – note the acknowledgements page. It is a testament to how she has persevered. The list format, powerful in its length and simplicity reads:
Elizabeth Cameron, for her commitment; Sara Carder, for her care; Carolina Casperson, for her daring – almost thirty names – a full page in alphabetical order. Each honours life-giving energy given and modelled by the people she chooses to share her life. They include vision, generosity, fortitude, loyalty, belief, insight, inspiration, guidance, enthusiasm, shepherding, strength and clarity.
My challenge today is to write such a list and acknowledge those people and their gifts in my life. That done I am reminded that the real challenge of this day is to be present; to choose to associate and affiliate with people who live well and model the daring, grit, wisdom, perseverance or calm I need to learn and relearn every day.