“Where will you be five years from today?”
The question is posed by author and creativity consultant, Dan Zadra. His book has the look and feel of a child’s book, which leaves us open, available and curious.
This book celebrates the “want to’s”, the “choose to’s” and the “I can’t wait to’s” in your life”. Whether you’re just finishing school, starting a new venture, celebrating a milestone or envisioning your retirement, you are the hero of this story.
It’s less a work-book than a play-book.
Random list-making exercises invite us to explore what we value.
“Live your life on purpose” is a call to action – and we’re encouraged to write a personal mission statement.
It’s a book of motivation and inspiration. This isn’t a to-do list – it’s a road map. And a training manual.
“You are the hero of this story”
…and you’re thinking – “Who me? There’s not a heroic bone in my body!”
So, let’s make “hero” a bit less intimidating.
First, throw off the superhero images. Just showing up and being available is Job #1.
Accepting the challenge to live life more purposefully, to imagine a new future and to lay the foundation for a new life stage – is what we in the storytelling business call – “The Hero’s Journey”.
It was described by Joseph Campbell, author of The Power of Myth.
Myths give external explanations and stories for internal strifes. Slaying monsters is slaying the dark things inside of you. If you’re telling yourself “oh no! I couldn’t do that! I couldn’t be a writer!” that’s the dragon inside of you, and you have to slay it.
Simply stated – our heroic journey begins with saving ourselves.
And then:
“Strong people stand up for themselves. Stronger people stand up for others” Chris Gardner
And #DontGoItAlone – get in touch if you think I can help.
Not familiar with Joseph Campbell’s work?
Hollywood film development director, Christopher Vogler summarises it brilliantly.
Here’s what we know about heroes, they-
- are usually reluctant
- are often resistant
- will have to face down fear
- will survive, wiser for the experience
For more on the power of storytelling – join me here.