The Prosperity Process, A Conversation in Three Parts
Embracing a Prosperity Process
“It’s the economy, stupid”
Join us for all or part of an exploration of what it will take to move beyond the peace process to prosperity.
How can we choose to overcome our collective obstacles to change?
What are the obstacles?
June 21st , 5:30-7:30pm
Attitudinal Changes
What are the obstacles to our “parking” the National question? Critical if we are to accept that 6 million people are a stronger market if cohesive, than 4 + 2 million.
How do we adapt our language to allow for it?
July 26, 5:30-7:30 pm
How do we focus our efforts island-wide and regionally toward growing complementary centres of excellence. Is this potentially an antidote to approaching FDI and economic development competitively?
How do we showcase the advantages of the border? We undervalue its attraction to businesses with the advantages of choosing a jurisdiction while still providing workforce and resource availability from Dublin and Belfast.
August 9th 5.30 – 7.30pm
New Structures & Systems
A serious discussion about specific quick and long term fixes to realistically approach economic development and sustainability.
What Public/Private partnerships might emerge to tackle infrastructure projects?
What efficiencies might be achieved in delivering quality health care in the border region?
You may have so much more to suggest, we welcome it. Consider joining the conversation, if not for yourself, then to inspire someone else.
Chatham House Rules* will apply. There can be no movement forward without a full, fair and frank discussion. This is not the place for posturing or politics. We ask only for respectful participation. The intention here is not to create an organization or a movement. It is to empower, catalyse and intrigue.
Please RSVP; Coffee & Tea will be served between 5 & 5:30; a participation fee of £20/€24 is requested; it is waived for supporting members of Empowering Change in Emerald Valley. Enquire about membership or contact Eve.
*“When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed”.